Anti-sub system’s successful demo


According to a PR published by MIND Technology on September 28, 2022, the firm announced that it has completed a successful demonstration of its Sea Serpent low-cost anti-submarine warfare system as a part of the U.S. Navy’s Coastal Trident 2022 exercise, Naval Recognition website reports.

For the demonstration, the system was deployed from an Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV) and successfully executed an autonomous mission to detect a realistic underwater target.

Sea Serpent is based on MIND’s commercially developed SeaLink seismic streamer technology which is used worldwide for seismic surveys.

Sea Serpent can be used for harbor security, maritime domain awareness, or ASW (anti-submarine warfare) and provides a cost-effective, highly capable, low-power, robust, and scalable solution that can be easily customized to an individual end-user’s requirements.

This system also provides a rapidly deployable sub-sea intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance capability from fully autonomous platforms.

Sea Serpent ASW system has been designed for rapid deployment from USV platforms or as a ‘clip-on’ capability to existing light- and medium-weight Coast Guard or Naval vessels. MIND Technology towed arrays are modular and scalable, with lengths from 50 m to over 12,000 m acoustic aperture available

Processing uses a scalable, app-based architecture and includes multiple beamforming options, as well as broadband, narrowband/LOFAR, and DEMON processing.

Other apps will include Automatic Detection and Tracking (ADT) and Target Motion Analysis (TMA). The architecture is fully open to allow third-party/government processing and supports private cloud operation for distributed tracking, multi-static processing, and data fusion.


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