Two ANI prizes awarded


Two Australian Naval Institute prizes were awards at the recent Creswell graduation, the ANI Sea Training Deployment Prize and the ANI RANC Prize.

ANI Sea Training Deployment Prize

Commodore Justin Jones, CSC, RAN, presents Midshipman Tessa English, RAN, with the Australian Naval Institute Sea Training Deployment Prize.

Commodore Justin Jones, CSC, RAN, presents Midshipman Tessa English, RAN, with the Australian Naval Institute Sea Training Deployment Prize. 

The Australian Naval Institute Sea Training Deployment Prize is awarded to the NEOC graduate who demonstrates the most outstanding qualities, exceptional leadership, unequalled good influence and diligent application to task book, journal work and other specific tasks and assignments while on Sea Training Deployment.


Captain Craig Powell, RAN Ret presents Sub Lieutenant Felicia Fragapane, RAN, with the Australian Naval Institute RANC Prize.

The Australian Naval Institute RANC Prize is awarded to the NEOC graduate who demonstrates the most performance in leadership and dedication to the Naval values whilst on course.


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