Our new submarines: undecided and underwater

The Collins Class HMAS Waller (RAN photo).
By Nicholas Stuart

The Submarine Institute of Australia doesn’t sound like a particularly subversive organisation. Nor is it – usually. But (and perhaps unfortunately for government) it isn’t just a group of old sea dogs and former submariners getting together every couple of years to meet, talk, and shoot the breeze.

What makes this group significant is it wants to contribute to the defence debate. What makes it different is the submariners also know something – particularly when it comes to our massively expensive, technologically challenging, and politically fraught $50 billion project to buy and build 12 new vessels.

Couple this with the old sea dogs’ tendency to be (a bit) crotchety and refuse to go away when told and patted on the head, and you can see why there was always the prospect of fireworks at the Institute’s biennial conference last week.

Not overt rudeness, of course, but you’d never expect this polite group of former officers to degenerate into squabbling. The conference was, however, about as intellectually bracing as if a cold bucket of salt water had been thrown over every attendee.

Creeping doubts about the efficacy of our contract to buy new submarines, together with increased scepticism about the possibility of fixing it, have now risen to the surface, emerging into the open. The growing concerns about this program are no longer running silent or deep.

Conference speeches from government, navy and business were all upbeat, as they tend to be. But none of these individuals will ever have to pay for, update, or operate the new boats when they come into service in the 2030s. By then any personal contributions will be erased; long forgotten, swallowed into the mists of time.

Most – if not all – of those have read and digested case studies of the contractual, technical and political difficulties that engulfed the Collins class sub disaster back in the ’90s. Indeed, Labor defence spokesman Richard Marles’ speech to the conference signalled that the federal opposition is now just as determined to harvest cheap political points from this program as Peter Reith was when he scored against Labor a couple of decades ago, regardless of the facts. That’s why there’s an understandable tendency for those influencing this decision – even those who know far better – to simply get on and do what they’re being told. Argue for something better and you risk being marked as an obstacle in the way of progress.

The problem is there’s actually no way to properly reconcile three almost directly opposed forces: the need for certainty, the requirement to adapt for future technical developments, and the need to keep a tight cap on a budget for a program as complex as building a space station.

These boats are planned to form the critical front line of our defences, and yet their mission is ambiguous and ill-defined. Are they just to defend against enemy ships? If so, they’re way too expensive. Or do they, perhaps, embody some unspecified strategic strike capability? If this is the mission, we need to spend much more to make them work effectively.

Nobody will make this critical call. The problem is we’re currently engaged in detailed and critical negotiations to determine exactly what our future submarine will look like. Unfortunately, two factors are working directly, and seemingly inexorably, against a successful outcome.

Firstly, technical developments. The speed and pace of technical change has already challenged the scope of this project. The new Swedish sub being built by Saab (working closely with Australian Submarine Corporation), the A26, is being constructed with an enlarged torpedo tube capable of firing a yet-to-be-invented underwater vehicle. Our contract with France’s Naval Group, however, apparently only specifies the need to fire current, conventional, and much smaller weapons. This could severely limit our options in future (or cost massive amounts to change). Similarly, new battery technology will soon be available, offering something like ten times the capacity of current propulsion. This could change the entire way we use the boat by massively expanding its capabilities. But changing one part of a submarine requires changing everything, and that’s just part of the problem. We’re being asked to contract today for technologies that will only be available tomorrow.

The second major issue is political. As far as both sides of politics are concerned it’s imperative that this project is seen to work, which puts unseemly pressure on bureaucrats. The person in charge is Rear Admiral Greg Sammut – a terrific bloke with exceptional abilities. Regrettably, not even he can square a circle. He’s in charge of churning out the right answer, but nobody’s worked out the question.

Expecting him to get it right requires adding a huge dollop of optimism to your usual daily dose of reality.

Perhaps the real question is why we’re going down this path at all. Navy Chief Vice-Admiral Noonan told the conference we won’t be getting the new subs in time to avoid a complete rebuild of the Collins’ anyway.

The key point is that the new submarine is only one half of the equation; it’s useless unless it carries a missile. Increased range, accuracy and speed mean such precise, trajectory-shaping vehicles no longer need to be carried forward in a sub. So why not just cut out the middle man and develop missiles instead? Cheaper, more effective, and most importantly, far less risk.

This article was first published in Fairfax Media and is republished with the permission of the author.

* Journalist Nicholas Stuart is a long-time defence columnist for Fairfax Media and was an ABC correspondent in several Asian countries.


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