Final speakers for 2018 Goldrick Seminar


Naval Shipbuilding Enterprise: Its Contribution to Navy Strategy


The speaker line-up for the 2018 Goldrick Seminar has been finalised. The topic for this year’s seminar is the Naval Shipbuilding Enterprise. The Navy will use the output of the seminar to inform the update of their long term strategy.

This year’s speakers come from Defence, industry and academia and include Mr Peter Chesworth, Mr Brent Clark, Rear Admiral Tony Dalton, Rear Admiral James Goldrick, Dr David Kershaw, Rear Admiral Jonathan Mead & Mr Nigel Stewart.

The 2018 Goldrick Seminar will be co-convened by the Australian Naval Institute, the Royal Australian Navy, the Australian Centre for the Study of Armed Conflict and Society and the Submarine Institute of Australia.

The all-day event will be held at the Adams Auditorium on 17 September 2018.

This year’s Seminar will feature a plenary session with three keynote speakers followed by a set of syndicate streams intended to examine three key concepts:
• Workforce
• Capability
• Warfighting

A general presentation and open forum stream will be held in parallel to the syndicate streams, with the key findings from this session included in the findings to be delivered during a final plenary session to Navy at the end of the day. The Navy has stated that the outcomes of the Seminar will help inform their long term planning.

Attendees will be drawn from ANI Members, UNSW student and staff, Defence, industry and academia. It is anticipated there will be up to 200 attendees, although not all will be participating in the syndicate work.

At the conclusion of the Goldrick Seminar, the 2018 Australian Naval Review will be launched.

Bookings and registration can be made via Sticky Tickets (details below)

Event Details:

When: 0830 – 1630, Monday 17 September 2018
Where: Adams Auditorium, Australian defence Force Academy, Northcott Drive, Campbell ACT
Cost: $75.00 for ANI members; $85.00 for non-members; $145.00 for Seminar attendance and ANI membership to 30.06.19.
ADFA Midshipmen and Officer Cadets: complimentary registration
Dress: S7/Business casual attire
Bookings and registrations close at 5.00pm on Thursday 6 September

For further information, contact the ANI Secretariat:
Phone: 02 6290 1505
Mail: PO Box 241, Deakin West ACT 2000


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