1 March 1967: white ensign is unfurled


flagthumb1 March: On this day in 1967 The RAN hoisted its new Australian White Ensign On 28 October 1965 the Member for Batman, Mr SJ Benson MP, whilst speaking on the Naval Estimates argued that Australia should have its own, distinctive white ensign. His point was that Australian ships were engaged in a war flying the ensign of another Navy. The Minister for the Navy informed the House, on the same day, that the Navy was already looking at possible variants of the white ensign which would carry a distinctly Australian appearance.

flagThe Chief of Naval Staff VADM McNicoll subsequently sought the views of other members of the Naval Board and his senior officers. Following this consultation the matter was considered by the Naval Board on 21 January 1966. The Board decided to recommend to the Government “that the Royal Australian Navy should have its own unique white ensign”. The ensign was described as being a “white flag with the Union Flag in the upper canton at the hoist with six blue stars positioned as in the Australian flag”.

The Minister for the Navy, Mr F Chaney MP, informed the Prime Minister of the Naval Board’s decision and the formal approval of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II was requested. Royal assent to the new ensign was granted on 7 November 1966.

The formal announcement of the new ensign was made by the Prime Minister on 23 December 1966. Originally it was intended to introduce the new ensign on the 1 May 1967 but this was subsequently amended to 1 March 1967 Navy’s birthday.


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